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01: Discovering Spatial Judgement Through a Child's Perspective

A toddler begins to learn by either Actively Participating with the environment or Passively Observing other activities. The method of playing with its toys, imagining a make-believe play space or physically interacting with a play structure. All of these experiences influence sensations and shape the perceptual and cognitive processes in the brain as the child grows. Towards the later stages of development, a child observes and mimics behaviours and emotions and subconsciously begins to relate certain environmental qualities to Reactons and Responses.


The active and passive role played by spatial contents and spatial contexts in influencing the manners in which a child learns to interact with the environment. The role of certain kinds of toys/games and stories/rhymes in the process of cognitive development. The journey from observation to modelling for a child within the age of 4.

  • To understand how a child learns to perceive through the various environmental factors that might influence and intervene in the learning processes.

  • To make it possible to direct the young mind's learning capabilities using the environment as a primary tool.

  • To comprehend the possible outcomes of spatial designs.

  • To fathom the possible alterations in the growing mind and the relevance of the environment in the resultant adult.


child psychology; children specific spaces; interactive toys and objects; observation and modelling; cognitive development

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